
Showing posts from June, 2013

Happy 27th birthday boyfie

So before am flying off to Bintulu tonight i would like to post an entry for my dear boyfie Shahrulnizam. He has been verrryyyyyy patient through our times together. Hehehe... and i am thankful for that. You have been great. Been fat.chubby and now maybe skinny a bit. But i still love you. Orrr maybe i prefer u chubby. Dont go too skinny laaa.. apa apa jak la.hahahah yg penting u be u ..ok? Anyway... for your 27th birthday, i dont really know wat to give you tho. Kitak maok apa?hehehe.. kamek g kuching?huhu..xpat la ...kmk bz ngn intake la byyy.. huhu.. Its ok.sooooomeething will fly there on behalf of me ok. Special for your birthday.. tunggu... huhuhu So here is a picture of cake .. walaupun fake tapi atleast ada dari kmk kan? Dari xda teruskan?hehehe Alaaa....bersyukur laa.. hihi K by..thats you so much!!


-1st June 2013 Selesai menghantar mak, Lilut and bf di terminal bus, me and Eah terus balik and bersiap untuk ke airport. sempat singgah di McDonald untuk tapau lunch. perut dah bergoncang kut. Merdeka mall. sisters. coz we love to take photo so much. Permy Mall. saying goodbye to Mak and Lilut  **Thanks to Sazli and Faiz sebab tolong hantar akak and adik kak ke airport that day and also sebab tolong jage kete akak. Mase dlama flight AA tu me and my sis tak dudok same. tapi tak de la jauh nye pun. i dok kat 15A dia dok kat 17. i dok sebelah senior couple. iban. i tau la sebab dorg cakap iban. kesian kat makcik tu . dia nk g wat surgery kat HUKL. pembedahan lutut katenye. cite punye cite. tetiba dia tanya kat mana tandas.tunjuk kat dia kat depan sane. dia mintak teman. lol. takpe la. sebab hormat dia, i pon teman la. kesian jlagi kat dia sebab nk jalan kene hold kat each kerusi. pastu dia tak pakai slipper. so ia sked her la. kenape tak pakai slipper. malas ...