am i good or am i bad?

original by cikjijah

you decide that..
i dunno where i stand..
people do judge me by my face,,rite?
they wouldnt know the inner part of me..
well if they knew, than i guess they are really good then..
i cant judge myself..
who am i who want to judge my self?

i always do bad thing to people..
i always talk bad bout other no good..
but..are u?
lets think a while..
u drink u drunk..
n yet u r nice too...
does that made u bad?
u pray u kind to other people..
but u talk bad bout them..
does that made u good?

think,think.think people..
we only got a chance to live..
live wisely.
live happily.
do not care bout other people's bad or good.
just live like u want.
why bother other people's life?
does they give u money to care bout them..
if yes then do it.
if no, just leave it.
or wrong?
u decide.
we all are happen to be the most greatest creatures of God.
we use wat God gives to us wisely ya..
make full use of it..


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