How To Lose Belly Fat in 7 - 10 Days For Women (Most Recommended)

by RihanNa (bukan Nama Sebenar)

So, i actually lose a few kgs during my Indonesia trip. which i dunno why..
 it seems like i ate a lot.
but. nahh. that's not important at the moment.
what is the most important now is for me to lose the belly bump. lol.
yes. i do have that. i know it's kinda sexy right (facepalm)
but i need to do this guys...
so i browse for exercise video.

this one you can do it easily in 30 minutes.
well, for beginner, it might take more than that.
anyway, good luck trying.



Adi Herman said…
oh i really need this tips! haha
Unknown said…
good luck practicing it bro...

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